Tuesday, February 22, 2011

My Amazing Friend

Some of you reading this know my dear friend Katie. Here she is with one of my new dear friends Lida. Lida is only in the fourth grade and does very well with understanding English. She can communicate some.

I am one of the lucky ones who has some of best people in the world as my friends. They support me and are always their when I need them. Sometimes it just a nice card in the mail that truly can make your day. My friends are all so special to me and I need them all. Those of you who I love, you know who you are!

My friend is Kate is truly one of the most amazing people I know. Our relationship started when I was assigned to be her mentor at Mansfield Schools. I did my best to teach her all that I knew about teaching, interacting with parents, what to expect, what not to expect. After the first year, we decided that our philosophies of teaching and children were so similiar that we needed to team teach. We both so strongly believe that being able to connect with student's emotional and letting them know and feel that you care truly makes lessons easier to understand. Thankfully Mansfield accepted our proposal and thus our relationship grew stronger. After that year, Kate needed to return to Falmouth schools where she has taught until coming to Cambodia. During that time she went on to get her masters in school counseling. I tried to do the program with her, knowing that much of what I do is more like counseling and that I would be able to reach more children. The school demand was too much for me with working and wanting more to be with Al, Max, and Sarah than in school. Being home and keeping my house and cooking meals they love makes me happier. So maybe when everyone is older and they need me less, I will try again. Who knows what I will do next. If you had asked me 5 years ago if I would go to Cambodia I am not sure of that answer. That year in Mansfield was one of the best years I had as an educator. I have had other classes in other schools that will always be with me but that was really a special year. There is ten years between Kate and me and we continue to learn so much from each other. Because I am spending the late mornings and early afternoons in her school, I again get to watch her magic. She makes every interaction with every child no matter how large or small special. Everyone wants and needs a piece of her. In this school she is the only counselor for grades PK to 12. In the morning yesterday she had a play therapy group for 3 preschoolers who are not yet talking socially then 1 hours later a group of 4 boys adjusting to life in Cambodia then an hour late a senior in high school, in tears, I am not sure why. I stayed out of that group. She is staying hear just the one year and moving on, but she will make an impact on these people and many of them will keep her in their heart forever. Thank you Kate for letting me tag along on your journey. What this has done for me can not be measure and I would have never had the courage without you. I am looking forward to the day when we are swapping grandchildren photos and talking about Cambodia.

This is Pov Nivath and she is three. She is a little diva and could quite possibly the only one to give Kate a run for her money. She is cute, crafty, and so smart. She is so in charge of that orphanage and getting her needs met.

Here you see Pov Nivath washing her own lunch dishes.

If you allow special people in your world you will have a more fulfilling life.


  1. Yes Kate is amazing! And so are you!! HAve a blast, take tons of pictures. What is the health care like? DO they have clinics or real Dr offices? kristin

  2. This is great Laura, it's a lesson for all of us. Thank you,
